Our amazing volunteer Debbie has written this great poem about her experience of training and volunteering with us. Give it a read!
See Me
I hope you’ve been enjoying
your See Me training
Finding it fun and interesting
and not too draining
They trained me up
with a group earlier this year
I arrived pretty anxious
but there was nothing to fear
Although the subject matter
is really quite serious
We all got through it
without getting delirious
They included plenty of fun,
playing Who Would You Rather Be? –
A stinky-footed giraffe
or a smelly chimpanzee?
I’m sure you’ve been learning
new ways of gently challenging folk
Less violent and more subtle
than a half-nelson choke
Remember — Most folk are harmless,
simply ill-informed
But with a bit of a chat,
to you they’ll soon be warmed
Together we’ll bring about
an end to discrimination and stigma
Where folk no longer find
mental health such an enigma
So, find something you enjoy
and go at your own pace
We’re all on a journey –
not competing in a race
Just enjoy the ride
and watch as your confidence grows
And where it will take you …
Nobody knows!