Iain first shared his experiences of mental health, and how the arts have helped him, on the See Me website back in 2019. Writing music and poetry are extremely important for him to explore and express how he feels.
Now, he’s provided an update on where he is with his mental health — and where he’d like to be — in the form of the poem below, and a separate song.
The Way Out Of This
I hear you crying from within,
Warning me of all the danger that you see,
That might not yet come to pass,
And screaming at me to avoid it.
I feel every spasm of fear that passes through you
From the spectral grip of your hands tightening in my gut,
Holding on for dear life from my past,
Begging me to protect you from the bastards that ground you down,
And never ever to leave you.
You are my helpless, vulnerable, fearful, individual, creative little child.
You should know
I understand now
I am listening
And my acceptance and love for you is unconditional.
I will never leave you for as long as I live.
I will protect you,
And hug you,
And re-assure you,
And calm you down,
And keep you safe,
For you are part of me.